Updated: 02.14.2010 *** Atari Archive

A few of my favorite programs
and requests from others.

Feel free to request something!

Modern IE blocks my download code.
Until I get this page updated,
all these files can be found just below.
Sorry about any problems. Or try Firefox.


In memory of the Utah's ST Users Network

Atari Gaming
Dungeon Master DM / CSB spell list by Cartographer

Atari ST Demos
Atari ROMs
PaCifiST emulator for DOS
Emulators & Related Utilities
FoReM ST BBS Package
I was able to contact the programmer of FoReM, and he said it was okay
for me to post his program, but he no longer has the source. I haven't been able
to properly initialize the BBS from PaCifiST. All disk images were created by my
PC, so if any of the files don't work, let me know and I will try to image the disks
with MSA from my 520ST. Please tell me if and how you get it to work. I haven't
yet scanned the FoReM manual. Good luck!
Graphic Utilities
Misc. Atari ST Utilities
Word Processing & Programming

DAHstra's Beginning
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